My planners turn to journals! Lol.

Dear Diary,

This holiday season will be different.
I knew it since I welcomed another person in my life.

We've been talking about this annual Starbucks planner, but I didn't know it would be this early. Like, I know this man drinks his Ventis every single day, but it's not even a week before December and my 2017 plans can already be penned down.

Espresso Frappe for G.

This ain't my first, I got one back in 2015 from my aunt. She's got a few (can't remember why) and just gave all of those away. I wasn't collecting stickers that time as well, nor was I interested. I only watched all my friends get theirs, fulfilled after claiming it at last; and then there was me, just got lucky with a red one.

A planner, I thought, for a girl who rarely plans her days. The one word that best described me was 'spontaneous'. It's the main thought of my IG & Twitter handle (@gforareason) because "G" is a slang for "game" and I always was, that year, most specially.

I changed it back to my full name already, tho.


I had a day job then, and on weekends I'd be at a music fest or on a beach. Last year, I ran away to Batangas, Pangasinan, and even Boracay; from Anotherland to Close Up Forever Summer and Zedd's True Colors Tour. I was literally everywhere. It was a year of freedom (and irresponsibility).

As others had done it (or still does it), it became my journal (complete with doodles) rather than a planner, and it WAS the perfect chest to store that certain phase in my life.

On the last quarter of 2015, I made a u-turn and went back to school to finish college. Somewhere along that journey I found the difference of 'freedom' from 'independence', which kinda took awhile (guilty); but hey, the important thing is making the decision to turn your life around when you know you've already fallen off track.

This year's been totally different.
I still got a month left, I'll probably write about it then.
It's too early to wrap up 2016.

More freebies and discounts at the back!

As another year approaches (yep, planning a month ahead), here is another thing I'd like to crawl my way into: actually using the planner for its sole purpose.

Many Filipinos collect all these stickers, yet do not actually plan or organize their lives. How about this for a bandwagon--- setting and reaching actual life goals (again, guilty for my kilay goals).

There really is more to life.



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