How Adulting Feels Like As A Millennial

Dear Diary,

It's yet again another graduation season. Mine seemed so far-fetched then, and now it's been a year. Back then, graduation day seemed like a finish line; today, I'd say otherwise. It is what you'll probably hear for the nth time, "welcome to adulthood!" Adulthood. Blech!

Fresh grad, probably no work experience yet, no responsibilities (bills, etc.) yet... what do we know about adulthood? I had been working before, but the purpose was to get me out of college. And, now that I'm out, now what?

April 20, 2016 at the Philippine International Convention Center
with my very supportive best friend Ivy

A year out, here's a few bullet points I've learned and would like to share~

"Adulting," as we'd like to coin the term with, is being...


"Oh no, that was the last of my 'savings' from my baon," or "OMG, I just asked for money to go out yesterday, they probably won't give me money today!" Two things: You either get tired of asking for money, or your parents / guardians will (usually the latter).

TIP: Get a job!


When you're browsing job postings, always remember that just like a newborn baby won't be able to walk and talk right away, everyone will have to start at the bottom of the ladder. There is no shortcuts. There could be, but you'll never know 'till then. You can continue being a dukha or you know, begin with the climb.

TIP: The sooner you begin, the sooner you'll get to where you want to be.


We, millennials, think that we are "entitled." I'm sure everyone's heard or read about this and feel the same way. For example: in our house, my younger sisters call me ate; in my squad back in college, my cheermates call me captain; in my uncle's business at Clark, they call me ma'am... BUT here in the office, I am a rookie. Right down there, at the very bottom of the food chain. Will have to earn that entitlement first.

TIP: Your boss doesn't care whoever you are. He pays you to do the job. Do it.


There are two types of workers: those who work to live and those who live to work. Out here, it is just a matter of picking your poison. You may get a job for the sake of having one or you can follow what your heart desires. Either way, you will still have to work hard. If possible, do what you love. Something you're proud of, something you're good at and interested to be great at. There is something out there that will make you hate Monday mornings less.

TIP: Do not let failures frustrate you. Always get right back up.


Passion will bring you there, being responsible will take you higher. Punctuality (this, I have yet to learn, lol) is your employer's number one determiner of how responsible you are. Being able to report on time affects your productivity at work. Do not ruin your mornings by being tardy (translation: don't be like me). Just imagine all the sweat you'll have to secrete for running late. Hassle, right? Follow your heart, but do not disappoint it.

TIP: Early to bed, early to rise! (Note To Self)


Taking care of what you love and what you worked hard for means taking care of yourself as well. We all know this --- one cannot give what one does not have. This is a lesson I recently learned, though. Adulting also meant exercise, vitamins and doctors. No matter how much you want to get the job done asap, we are only humans. You are not "strong" just because you have been working for more than the required 8 hours a day; in fact, you are deteriorating. If you think you can but your body doesn't function well, you only worsen the situation.

TIP: Never forget your favourite hobbies: eating and sleeping.

All mentioned above sounds so simple but in reality, it takes a lot of energy to keep yourself in tact every single day.  TBH, doing the exact same thing for the rest of my life scared me in the beginning. But then, I came to realise that there really is something out there that won't drain your will to put yourself together.

It may be a dream or a loved one, or something else... It's different for everyone. Some are just lucky to have already found it.

The list goes on as we journey through the years.

Moving forward,


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