Why I Love Doctor Strange

Dear Diary,

Marvel introduces another character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe [MCU] and brings us to a "strange new world."

My love for MCU was triggered by Marvel's The Avengers (2012) and this is where my curiosity brought me. I started back tracking all the Marvel films from there and have watched most of them more than once. The release of Doctor Strange was an exciting news just months after Captain America: Civil War (2016).

Although, I wish I could've read the comics when I was a kid. The only Marvel superhero I knew then was Spider-Man in the 2002 film starring Tobey Maguire which I saw with my papa. Looking back, I feel like I must've been his little boy as we enjoyed watching action films together in the past.

It's amazing how each Marvel film's interconnected with one another only to find out in a huge coming together. BUT, if you're just looking for a film to watch in the cinemas during the holiday, join the Marvel mania because Doctor Strange is not a bad idea!

The 14th instalment of the MCU is an introduction of a new character, which means it wouldn't matter if you've seen the previous Marvel films. The story is about Dr. Stephen Strange being an egocentric neurosurgeon who loses his ability for precision. Afraid to be anything less than who he is, he finds himself exploring magic. Yes, the perfect irony.

Here's an embedded trailer of Doctor Strange from the Marvel Entertainment channel:

Here's a detailed film review:

Not only did I get a free pass, but my friends and I also received freebies upon exit by the event's partners and sponsors. All thanks to When In Manila, PMCM Management & Resorts World Manila.

Can't wait for Guardians of the Galaxy 2. Have you any idea how cute is the little Groot?

In another reality,

P.S. Stay seated and finish the credits. FINISH the credits. FINISH IT!


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