Kawaii!!! These Sailor Moon Spiral Heart Moon Rod Lip Creams are a total must-have and here's why...
Dear Diary,
Sailor Moon fans (including yours truly; might be decades late but here we are!) rejoice as these lip creams' design is based on our girl's third mystical weapon, the Spiral Heart Moon Rod! I'm super glad to have them, so I'm sharing my unboxing with you!
Dry air, cold temperature, wind, and frequent sun exposure all draw up moisture away and unlike other parts of the skin, the lips don't have oil glands to prevent it from drying. The use of LIP CREAMS or LIP BALMS helps seal moisture and protect them from becoming chapped or cracked.
While Creer Beaute Sailor Moon Miracle Romance Spiral Heart Moon Rod Lip Cream comes in three shades, lip balms do not always give out as much color as lipsticks so I don't expect much pigment from them besides its main purpose - keeping my lips moisturized... BUT, what do you think? Should we do a wear test?
Watch my unboxing video here:
Yours truly,
P.S. I would like to dedicate this blog and vlog post to a very dear friend of mine who passed away yesterday morning. I remember telling him just a couple of months ago about my recent addiction to Sailor Moon. I told him how I loved Sailor Moon above all the other Sailor Guardians and he asked me why. Apparently, in the earlier version, the one which came out when we were kids, Sailor Moon only gets saved by her guardians, thus perceived as 'weak', I guess... but not in Sailor Moon Crystal - the reboot, the only version I saw. It is the latest anime adaptation that is more faithful to the manga series. We agreed to disagree about our favorites and as a "true and solid fan," he did not shame me for calling myself a "fan" and wanting Sailor Moon merch after only seeing the latter version.
He also pushed me to keep creating blogs and vlogs in my personal accounts besides work (I also work as a content creator for a big local website) because I feel that he genuinely believes in what I can do.
I love you, Loise. I am deeply saddened for losing a friend like you. I wish I had been a good friend to you, too, although I still wish I could have been better. I also hope you know that I believed in you and your strengths, too.
I remember talking about having an existential crisis with you... We both didn't know what we love or want to do for the rest of our lives! If you could only read this, please rest easy knowing that you did not fail. In fact, your prayers have been answered - you will be a great guardian angel to all the people you love here on Earth. It suits you really, really well.
Throwback to your 2018 surprise birthday party in memory of you:
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